The WB850F Samsung SMART Camera allows you to zoom in close, capture stunning photos using a 16MP BSI CMOS Sensor, and share them instantly with family and friends. Using the camera's built-in wireless functionality, you can upload high quality photos to social networking sites and seamlessly sync your camera to other SMART devices (TV, phone, tablet).
Your Best Photos Instantly Shared
Instantly send quality photos to social networks like Facebook or email them to a small group of people—directly from the camera. Access your uploaded content on supported connected devices with Samsung’s TV Link and MobileLink. Plus, you can store cool images and video directly from the camera to Microsoft Skydrive.
Remote Viewfinder
Operate your camera directly from your smartphone.
Smartphone Link
Store and access your camera photos on your phone or tablet.
Easier to Take, Store and Share Pictures
Use Auto Backup to transfer and store your photos on your PC with the touch of a button. Then, enjoy the ultimate picture and video slideshow on your home TV with TV Link.
Get the Best Shot from Far Away or Up Close
Zoom in with the super long 21x optical zoom that puts you right in the action. Plus, the 16MP BSI CMS Sensor delivers brighter and clear images.
Full HD 1080p Movie Recording
Shoot thousands of different angles with 1080p HD Movie Recording.
Dual Capture Mode
Shoot in Full HD 1080p and capture photo simultaneously.
Intuitive Photo Editing Software Right from the Camera
Create 1080p movie clips with your photos using Creative Movie Maker (CMOS Models only). You can even use the Artistic Brush feature to have the camera instantly draw the photo you've just captured.
Magic Frame
Choose from 12 different background templates that lets you edit a portrait to look like an antique wall art and other fun effects.
Funny Face
Creatively bend, stretch and warp your friend faces.
Live Panorama
Aim, hold the shutter button down, and pan to capture the perfect scene with everyone in it.
03:14 Ten film wideo został przesłany z telefonu Android. 15.05. 2012.
06:43 Samsung WB 850F - Prezentacja 27.07. 2012.
01:01 Test aparatu samsung wb 850f podczas robienia filmu równocześnie zostały wykonane zdjęcia 21.05. 2012.
00:51 -
02:36 Ecco la novità Samsung presentata al Photoshow 2012!
09:11 This camera is available for $379.99!! This is one of the high end smart cameras that samsung has announced! This is an overall spectacular camera for a wide...
02:30 Samsung Camera YouTube Shoot with clarity, store and share with ease. • Instantly share and save photos online with buil...
13:39 Essa é a câmera perfeita para quem quer muita qualidade imagem, muitos ajustes, mas não quer uma trambolhuda DSLR ou uma fraca Super Zoom. Os que não entende...
18:48 Samsung WB850, Fotocamera Digitale da 16.8 Megapixel - Samsung WB850, Fotocamera Digitale da 16.8 Megapixel ...
02:20 -
00:43 SAM 0161 - WB 850F 21.05. 2012.
01:33 Kolejne rozpakowanie. Tym razem coś z innej półki, a mianowicie aparat firmy Samsung WB 100. Serdecznie zapraszam. Zapraszam również na : http://www.facebook...
01:18 -
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00:40 Тест видео 1280x720 в режиме HQ снято Samsung WB 600.
05:12 Bike for 8 euro. Lot of fun. Camera: Samsung WB150.
01:07 -
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01:32 Vídeos com efeitos criados pela Samsung WB 150 F ao usarmos filtros artísticos.